Point Blank Range by Stacie (NC-17)

Mar 22, 2010 01:18

Title: Point Blank Range by Stacie
Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: Chris/Vin
Categories: post-canon, angst, action, hurt/comfort
Length: Very Long (~33,000 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: n/a?
Website: n/a

A (slightly) AU version of Obsession -- what if Chris and Vin were already involved when Ella Gains entered the picture? Would things have turned out differently?

There are a *lot* of Obsession fics out there, and this is one of the best -- the episode itself is fleshed out enough that folks who have seen the episode can enjoy the story, and yet has enough episode dialogue and plot points that even people new to the fandom can read it as if it's an original storyline and not get confused. Even better, Stacie points out some inconsistencies in canon that may or may not have been intentional, but which have long-lasting repercussions for Chris.

At the character level, there is angst galore in the Chris/Vin relationship and Vin's character is especially interesting -- why exactly does he stick with Christ through the episode, and how does it impact their relationship? Even better, the second half of the fic goes beyond the episode to show what happens next and how Chris and Vin begin to heal.

A very solidly written and well plotted fic.

Point Blank Range

genre: angst, pairing: chris/vin, genre: action/adventure, genre: hurt/comfort, length: long, fandom: magnificent seven, recs by jane, genre: post-canon

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