A Tale of Two Princesses by Waywren Truesong (PG)

Mar 20, 2010 22:11

Title: A Tale of Two Princesses (Well, really they’re queens, but it’s all a caucus race in the end anyway)
Author: Waywren Truesong
Rating: PG
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland (bookverse) by Lewis Carroll
Pairing: n/a
Category/genres: Post-canon, adventure
Length: Medium (4,468 words)
Warnings: Stream-of-consciousness writing that may bother some.
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
Archived at Yuletide

Author's Summary: Curious things happen when one polishes a mirror. Just ask the White Queen.

Review: This is a funny little fic that uses your brain a bit, just like the original material. In fact, this author does an admirable job of emulating Carroll’s run-on, stream-of-consciousness storytelling style of narrative, meaning this fic reads oddly just like a simple continuation of the story we all know and love. It’s got an adorable little original character too, named Sara. ^_^ This is simply a wonderful fic for people who love Lewis Carroll’s writing, and/or fans of the Alice in Wonderland universe in general.

recs by k_puff, fandom: alice (2009), genre: action/adventure, length: medium, genre: post-canon

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