Feeding the Ghost by randombattlecry (PG)

Mar 14, 2010 22:12

Title: Feeding the Ghost
Author: randombattlecry
Rating: PG
Fandom: Alice
Pairing: Hatter/Alice, Charlie
Category/genres: Drama, Romance
Length: Medium (2,805)
Warnings: none
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
”Once upon a time in the middle of the afternoon when it wasn’t even cold, Alice took a little jaunt through the looking glass and crashed into our world...”

Author's Summary: They gather together to tell stories, to remind themselves of the way it really was; to remind themselves that they are all, now, "of legend."

This is one of the first great fics I glomped onto after the series’ release, and it's still my favorite single piece of fic in this fandom. This is the fic that inspired me to write for this fandom, actually. ^_^ randombattlecry is impeccable with the details, capturing the mood of a scene with such finesse that it’s kind of inspiring. I actually feel like I’m in the room with these characters when they’re talking, just friends sitting and chatting for a night, being silly and snarky and themselves. This author is simply a gift to the Alice fandom, I’m so glad she discovered it.

genre: friendship, genre: romance, recs by k_puff, length: medium, pairing: alice/hatter, genre: fluff, fandom: alice (2009), genre: drama, genre: family

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