The Bet by shinypilot (NC-17)

Mar 13, 2010 07:09

Title: The Bet by shinypilot
Fandom: Green Wing
Pairing: Mac/Guy
Categories: slash, humour
Length: Medium (2664 words)
Warning: Misuse of food products
Rating: NC-17

Author on LJ: Scribblings
Website: Archived in various locations; a full index of stories can be found here

Summary: Guy never backs down on a bet ...

Review: There's nothing complicated about the plot here; Guy has glibly suggested that Mac would really like to have him (Guy) massage chocolate into his (Mac's) freckly buttocks. It's pretty average stuff as far as their usual juvenile semi-sexual teasing is concerned, except of course that Guy is as stubborn as they come and can be goaded into pretty well anything if there's money or a slur against his masculinity involved. Mac calls him on it, and before either of them has a chance to give the matter any serious thought Mac is face-down on Guy's bed and chocolate sauce is being applied in the appropriate place. Then, in order to enforce his victory beyond any possible doubt, Guy leans down and begins to lick it off.

It would be totally unnecessary to detail exactly what happens after that, of course, except that it's highly satisfactory to both parties. This story manages to be tender and funny, true to the characters and also dazzlingly erotic all within a fraction over two and a half thousand words - which is a pretty neat achievement by any standard. I was particularly impressed by the way Guy's thought processes are displayed; his defensiveness and default homophobia could never be anything else but a desperate strategy to cover up an overwhelming but apparently doomed attraction to Mac, but when Mac responds to his advances he doesn't waste any time intellectualising it or making flowery speeches - he just lets it happen. Nor is there any indication that this relationship has a future, although the fact that the boys are willing to accept it for what it is - whatever that may be - and to enjoy it in the here and now is almost a more satisfying conclusion.

Characters who exchange a lot of banter and do not normally operate on an emotional level are difficult to get right when it comes to slash, but shinypilot has done a wonderful job here with Mac and Guy; this is sweet and convincing and gives one hope that somehow they might just be able to make this whole thing between them work on a different level. This could, in fact, be the almost accidental start of something new and completely wonderful. Well done, shinypilot, for achieving so much in such a small space; I hope one day you will write more for this fascinating couple.

Link: The Bet

recs by theficklepickle, genre: humor, fandom: green wing, length: medium

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