Through the Little Blue Gate by humansrsuperior (PG-13)

Mar 07, 2010 23:02

Title: Through the Little Blue Gate
Author: humansrsuperior
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Category/genres: AU, Romance
Length: Medium (4,271 words)
Warnings: none
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
Posted HERE at the then_theres_us DW fic challenge community.

Author's Summary: It’s a place of wonder, and there she can forget what she is, the life she leads. And it’s worth all the beatings in the world-every single time.

This is a gorgeous AU piece. Rose is a servant girl and Ten (a.k.a. John Smith) is a benevolent lord who falls in love with her one day after she stumbles into his garden. The author uses such luscious, descriptive language that I feel as though I’m there, and I love the part when John Smith goes face-to-face with Rose’s master; the tension is electric, very “Oncoming Storm”! This author crams a lot of great writing into a small, bite-sized fic that I’d recommend to anyone. Fluffy, romantic, feel-good… fantastic.

genre: romance, genre: au, fandom: dr who, recs by k_puff, pairing: doctor/rose

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