Strangers Attraction by keiro kirin (NC-17)

Mar 06, 2010 07:29

Title: Strangers Attraction by keiko kirin
Fandom: The Persuaders
Pairing: Brett/Danny
Categories: slash, romance, post-episode, a tad hurt-comforty
Length: Medium (4408 words)
Warning: None
Rating: NC-17

Author on LJ: sakana 17. Also on Dreamwidth; see User Info on LJ for details.
Website: the keikotorium

Summary: Brett is drawn to Danny after the events in "Angie ... Angie ... "


"Angie ... Angie ... " is an iconic episode in which an old friend from Danny's rough past betrays him and ends up dead. This story begins immediately afterwards, when Brett and Danny are driving back to Cannes, each in his own car alone with his thoughts, although the character we're following here is Brett. We are shown his inner journey as he processes what he has recently learned about Danny - their partnership is still new - and how it fits in with the feelings he is beginning to acknowledge towards him.

Brett has more or less decided to sublimate his conflicting emotions in an evening of anonymous sex - and, being Brett, of course, he knows exactly where to find it - when he re-encounters Danny in the bar of their hotel. What follows is an emotional roller-coaster ride, with Brett goading Danny into a very necessary physical catharsis. The 'healing power of sex' theme does tend to get over-done in fandom as a whole, but here it is delicately handled and it is plain that the emotional honesty between the two characters is what counts, as well as the commitment demonstrated by their mutual surrender. Danny's problems are not solved overnight, but through Brett he finds the support he needs to continue dealing with them.

The author gives us an accurate and indeed persuasive (sorry!) picture of the two characters, and captures the spirit of their banter perfectly - not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. She also manages to deal gracefully with the difficult business of endearments, the bane of any slash author's existence. Amongst the myriad epithets the two sling at one another (Dollface! Peasant!) Brett's quiet "It's been a long day, my dear," provides a much-needed moment of genuine tenderness between two men who are usually reluctant to let go of their self-created façades.

With there being such a dearth of Persuaders fiction generally it is a relief to be able to report that what does exist is of a very high quality - a fact which is amply demonstrated by this delightful little story.

Link: Strangers' Attraction

fandom: persuaders, genre: romance, recs by theficklepickle, genre: hurt/comfort, length: medium

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