Star Trek: Reboot - The Parody

Jul 17, 2011 13:59

Here's the thing: I wish I were reccing more Star Trek: Reboot fic.  There's so much long, quite well-written fic in the fandom that normally I *would* be reccing more.  Unfortunately, most of the stories I've read so far are so ridiculously over the top and OOC that I'd assume they were parodies, if they weren't so obviously meant to be taken seriously.

Examples: Jim Kirk isn't just dangerously allergic to a few medicines (canon) but instead is fatally allergic to 500+ foods and medicines (sadly, I've actually seen similar numbers in fic, despite the fact that someone with that many potentially lethal allergies could not pass the physical exam that any paramilitary organization would require, especially not one whose stated purpose is to explore new worlds).  Spock is not just struggling with anger issues (canon), he's so flamboyantly emotional that you'd never guessed he'd stepped foot on Vulcan, much less was raised there.  Chekov is not a socially-inept youthful genius (canon), he's a Lolita Lothario, more sexually adept at 16 than Kirk at 25 and (unlike nearly every prodigy ever born) equally adept at reading people as he is at math.  McCoy is not just a bitter post-divorce alcoholic (canon), he's so gruff he's incapable of social interaction with anyone but Jim (and even that's a stretch) and flagrantly abuses his medical privileges to physically assault any crew member (usually Jim) who doesn't behave the way McCoy feels is proper.

Not to mention the fact that with the way the crew is written, it's nearly impossible to believe that they have time to do their jobs, what with the endless practical jokes and the fact that every single crew member has found the time and energy to sleep with at least two other crew members (fortunately they're all such good friends that no one ever seems to mind a lack of monogamy; it's Free Love Enterprise!)

This isn't to say that there are *no* good Star Trek: Reboot fics out there; there are at least two in my reread folder and I've recced in the fandom before.  However, for a fandom of this size and with so many fics that are written by established, talented writers, I should be reccing it a lot more.  Instead, due to my experience with the fandom to date, I've been shying away from ST:R fics on the assumption that, even if they're well-written, I'll be so disappointed in the characterization that the story will be ultimately unsatisfying.

Is it just me, or have other people noticed this trend?  I'd like to give the fandom another chance, but every time I do I end up regretting it; I'd love confirmation that there are good fics out there beyond those already recced at Epic Recs (you know what that means: recs welcome!)

fandom: star trek, rants by jane

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