Smoke on the Water Michael Weston gets wind of a serial killer in Miami. The presence of the Winchester brothers implies that the killer is of the supernatural variety.
If you're following
janes_recs , you've probably guessed that I've been working through my crossover folder; this is the latest of that bunch and, full disclosure, I only managed about a quarter of it.
That said, I think that fans of gen stories might really like this fic. There's a clearly thought out case file, the format is very close to that of Burn Notice, the characters are distinct and very much in character, and the writing is solid. If your dream fic is a narrative of a Burn Notice episode (especially one that is a crossover with another show), this is the fic for you.
Unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of straight-up casefile fics. Even if a fic is gen (without romance), I need for there to be some sort of emotional interaction between the characters, whether it be friendship or family or even conflict. Something. There's a chance that this story explored emotional character interaction in the latter three-quarters of the fic, but the first quarter gave no indication that this fic was going to even attempt character development, much less tackle relationships, and in my experience someone who can go an whole quarter of a fic without the slightest hint of introspection (voiceovers don't count) probably isn't going to do a 180 and suddenly begin delving deep into her characters.
In short: an ideal fic for folks who enjoy a good plot and aren't too picky about character development.