We will plant brambles in your bed...

Feb 20, 2010 06:38

O butt. I should update more.

These classes are far, far below my abilities. Not to boast, but it's true.
Math is probably the worst- it's been 3 weeks and we've worked on a grand total of TWO!!!! concepts- sin/cos and "indices". The reason we get nowhere is because we learn the stuff in a day and spend almost two weeks doing homework on it. It's frustrating, because we end up just repeating the same problems over and over. Getting nowhere.
Bio class...I feel like they're trying to make us stupid. We've been given a list of 5 or 6 organelles we're supposed to know. I had to know more than that in bloody 6th grade. The teacher always says things like "There's many steps involved in photosynthesis...but we don't need to know about that. Just know that it requires carbon dioxide and water and sunlight..."
I wish the Deputy had put me in 12th grade, I might learn something of use.
However, Ancient History is going well. We're going to learn about hoplite warfare soon! And on Friday, we did an essay on the end of the Bronze Age- I finished mine in under 40 minutes and everyone else was like "WHHHYYYYY???"
And our teacher is great- Mr. Lynn. He rambles a bit...tends to go from Troy to really big cassette tapes from several decades ago. He told us about how, at Sparta, you were supposed come back with your shield, always. He did the voice-acting of a boy coming back from the war- "Hello mummy, I'm back from the war!"
"O, that's wonderful! But where's your shield?"
"Well, I had to throw it away..."
"Can I see your sword then?" *mimes stabbing someone through* "Bad boy! You threw away your shield."
And Lit class is challenging, but impossible to understand. Bleh.

I've found a group of non-sensible people to sit with.
They gather under the trees behind the school- at least 20 of them. I still don't know most of their names but the ones I do know:
Jovana- she's of Serbian descent. I went to Ikea with her on Thursday and we had SVEDISH MEATBALLS. Well she did. I had a fruit salad. :D
Roxy- She's from some French colony. She can be hard to understand and annoying but at least she's...exciting. She stole my pen during form and wrote "Pleasure up here" on her thigh, with an upwards arrow. Then she drew a pink Hitler beard on her chin.
Ruby- She has short hair and doesn't talk much. When she does, she talks quietly and quickly. I find her strangely pretty, she looks very young.
Harrison- He sits next to me in Ancient History, he has long-ish brown hair and a face that seems familiar. A weird voice. He's fun to talk to and watches me draw. A bit of a slacker but he still holds the history ideas in, somehow.
Corey- I never really talk to him. Except I told Jovana that I was suddenly affectionate and she told me to go hug him. So I did and he was like "WHHYYYYYY???"
Chessca- She sits next to me in Lit class. She had this curly blonde hair and a soft face and is really quite pretty (a bit heavy, but not much). She wants to be an actor. She likes Greenday and wants to live in New York.
Verity- AWESOME name. xD She has this long, dark hair and glasses that don't suit her face. She's Chessca's good friend. She doesn't talk much but laughs at my jokes.
Yesterday, at lunch, we saw clouds that said "NO" and then a tampon came out of nowhere. So we threw it around for a while.

I was walking home from a bus stop after going to Ikea when I happened upon a black swan by the lake. It was standing around near the sidewalk, so I sat close by and drew some pictures. It was intrigued by foot, sorta pecked at it, then stood there for a while, mostly ignoring me. It pooped and then walked away.
Pretty awesome.
There's so many birds here, by the lake. If you sit still long enough, they will come pretty close to you, especially the ducks. Great for drawing.

I really hate my subconscious/psyche.

I've been drawing those birds, of course. It would be easier if they didn't move around so much but...o well. It's worth it.
I drew a picture of my hand pinned to a wall with thumbtacks (Steppets, this picture will horrify you to no end). I didn't ACTUALLY pin my hand to the wall- I just held it up, drew it, then stuck thumbtacks in the wall and drew those. I showed my parents and they were like "ew."


swans, people, birds, ducks, art, school, life

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