On finding people
The people mentioned before- Moreka and Lucinda (that was Something) are nice but not my type. Their group is like...they don't like me much. They don't listen to me if I try to talk. I was drawing The Tower (Tarot card) on my leg and one of the girls was giving me looks.
So screw them, I'm finding a new place.
I think I've come somewhere close- I went with two of the girls, Jovana (who is of Serbian descent) and Ruby (small, quiet, pale) to a spot behind the school, under some trees. The people there come in a big group and sit around and run and play and stuff. I sat in a small circle of them yesterday- a girlfriend and boyfriend, a funny guy named Corey, an Irish guy who is in my Ancient History class and a girl named Verity who is in several of my classes and Ruby. They're funny so, I think I'll be going there again...
I plan to work on finding a job today...:x
La Fura dels Baus
Yesterday was the start for the Perth Arts Festival. I went with my parents- it was free and held near the river. Lots of people there- I found a seat and parents went elsewhere because they thought it was too crowded. Lul. In the middle of all this, a stage, some screens and a HUGE crane. Like HUUUUUGE. I was admiring its hydraulics. xD
Well, the performance started with a man who went up on stage and played a didgeridoo. It was soooo cool. I never knew they sounded so awesome. He kept up the undertone for the whole 10 minutes of it, and then made these noises ontop- they sounded like strange animals. Then guys dressed up as Aborginals came stalking through the crowd- they walked right past me. They came on the stage, some people gave speeches. Then were were told to all stand up and pick up our things because the performance was going to require us to move. Everyone was a bit disgruntled but we all stood up.
Then people made their way through the crowd, holding long torches above people's head's. A man got up on this platform that was RIGHT in front of me. It had a barrel ontop. Music had started- it was the sound of wind and voices and someone breathing. And it was like that, slowly intensifying while he stood there, looking crazy with bulgy eyes and bent bits of metal serving as drumsticks. He had flour smeared on him (which is also what they do at Song Kran in Thailand, hrm) and he was shirtless, probably of Aborginal descent.
A lady dressed in white came running up. She was bald, she had this black makeup around her eyes. She stood before him, her arms flung out, and yelled, then ran off. Then these beats started up. They would intensify and then he would play a few, very loud notes on the barrel, which was full of water. The water would jump out, spraying everywhere and it was really epic. :3
When he was done, there was some lady in purple who sung in a sort of Persian style (I think that's it...it's hard to explain, but Axiom of Choice does a good job with this.) Then the crane started to move and this strange music played- it used machine sounds and stuff...it was creepy. A man came through the crowd and was harnessed to the crane. He wore a harness and these white wings- they looked like bug wings. He was lifted and there was this semi-whimsical guitar music. It was a nice image- he was all pale and looked like an angel. And he was like >50 feet above the ground.
AS he returned to the ground, I could see some sort of a structure moving through the crowd. It looked like the horns of an animal constructed out of aluminum or something...New music played, harsh, sounded like a speeding train completed with hornblasts.
The structure was a strange vehicle, pushed by humans. The guy ontop yelled commands at them and pulled out these packets on strings. He's swing them around until a small towel-thing came out, trailing flour like a comet. It was all very chaotic and the thing came really close to us. He left and the crane raised again, bringing this big wheel into the air. There were people on the inside, standing. Like, upsidedown and sideways and stuff. Then two people ontop, walking so the wheel spun slowly. It was a really imposing image- all this, at least fifty feet above the ground with the churning music and the lights and all...
The wheel was set on the ground, the manvehicle came out again and they were COMBINED. So cool. Like, the wheel was attached to the structure in the front. This time, it came REALLY close to us. Everyone was pushing and shoving to get out of the way.
The people inside the wheel were swinging free- they would cling to the side, then, when they came to the top, they'd swing to the other side, thus adding to the momentum. Ingenious!
The singer did a song, in which a chick inside a giant hourglass did a dance.
Then there came the finale. The crane lifted up this whole NET people. Very hard to describe, but like this:
Only a couple more people.
They curled up like fetuses, swam about, curled up again and such...The crane moved them along and this music played, really imposing. Like, trance combined with industrial combined with noise in general. Then they all posed with their arms out and legs straight, like Jesus, and there were firework in green and gold. The connected to each other in a web, like in the picture, more fireworks. The singer came on and sang a spanish-ish song and all these fireworks and it was over.
Sooo good though.
I bet you could find them on Youboob Youtube. (: