So this is the first time in about a year that I've posted. Wheee.
I said I'd never post again here. I've got another online blog that I've been keeping up with - sorta. It's just not a major thing in my life anymore, I guess.
So here are the highlights of the last year:
1) Left
ketadream last year and went homeless. Got a job while homeless and did some pretty hardcore stuff. I traveled three or so hours to work by bus to keep my job. After a month of homelessness, post finding a job, I found another place to live. Yay. My commute was still pretty hellishly long, but at least I had a roof over my head.
2) I got off probation on December seventh of last year.
3) I moved to Houston for a few months and then came back . . .
4) I got married. For those of you who know who, that's cool. If not, ask and I might tell you.
5) I started my own business. Yay.
6) I can has vehicle!!
7) As of August first of this year, I have eighteen months of continuous sobriety.
Those are the major points.
I guess this would be my once-a-year post.