To-Do List:

Dec 10, 2010 10:34

Finish 27" round strap shield.
Finish handle on 'blue' arming sword.
Build Osa's coreless strap shield to 23", strap, and cover.
Fix pommel/build handguard onto Bel/Dag dagger.
Build ugly "between armor" gambeson.
Research 14th century Italian women's garb.
Make wool Nockert type 1 kyrtles (I think I have the material for 5-6 of the
Make wool gardecorps (find lining and get more batting >.>).
Make wool hood w/ modest liripipe.
Make linen St. Louis shirts.
Make linen Nockert type 1 kyrtles.
Fix 16 ga butted maile.
Finish 14 ga butted maile.
Make armored surcoat, paint manticore on chest.
Make Amtgard "fishing flail."
Make/borrow shield press, make SCA heater shield.
Make SCA arming swords.
Clean, rust-coat, pad, and strap plate 3/4 leg armor.
Make leather skirmish quiver w/ side-arm holster.
Make leather artillery quiver w/ side-arm holster.

Ensure all projects are pretty enough to enter into a Dragonmaster and not
know abject shame.

All other build projects get to wait until I get access to shop space or it
warms up to 70 F...

Finish home-built fry arming swords. Weep at slight warp in striking
surface, give to someone who doesn't care.
Make 5' long tri-game legal red weapon.
Make home-built fry arming swords, ideally w/out warped striking surface.
Make ~40" tri-sport speedbat.
Make Amtgard long lightsabre.
Make two Amtgard short lightsabres.
Make Osa's archery buckler.
Make HDPE barrel heater shield (strap, w/ guige)
Make coreless kite shield.
Make more tri-game legal javelins.
Make more tri-game legal arrows (with QST 36 round tips)
Make spaulder 'shield' in the style of Agincourt maile augmentation.
Make tri-game legal "middle madu" consisting of a 20" round punch shield and
a 60" long staff.

I know there's stuff I am forgetting... I'm never gonna get everything
done. Eh bien, c'est la vie.
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