Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Midnight Show Adventure!

Jul 16, 2011 17:49

It was a bright and full Moon, which I could practucally feel thrumming though my veins. There were also dark jet tracks in the sky, darting across the moon in the brightly lite, nearly cloudless night. The tracks reminded me of Death Eaters flying through the sky.
 Full Moon plus dark cloudy tracks though the sky. What better way to celebrate the last Harry Potter film?! =D

I planned to get to the theatre around 9:30, to get a good place in line.

Instead, I ran late, and got there at 10:00, and very far back in line.

The good news? I ran into some friends from High School that I haven't seen in a while, (all dressed as low-key Gryffindors),
and was filmed for the nightly news talking to another Luna that was behind me in line!
(My co-workers gave me some gentle ribbing on that)

We had some really awesome conversation about Harry Potter, Glee, Twilight, and why on Earth they didn't they sell Shushies to the people in the lines, because it was HOT out there!

I got to see at least three Dumbledors, four other fellow Lunas, many nameless students in all four houses, a George with bloody gause wrapped around his head and ear, quite a few Tonks and Bellatrixes, and even an ingeniusly dressed Buckbeak!

Our theatre was the very last to be seated. The good news? I got the most PERFECT seat in the theatre! I was a three or four rows up, and directly in the middle on the row! =D

The people around me were the BEST! We talked about StarKid (mostly AVPM, but also MamD and StarShip and the actors), and Glee!

OH! I got MORE 3D glasses! Now that's TWO pairs of round Harry Potter 3D glasses! =D When it came up on the screen asking for everyone to please recycle and return the glasses, everyone in the theatre laughed because, yeah, nobody was going to let those go! =D

I'm so glad I brought tissues, and forgone the mascara, because I CRIED a minimum of five times.

Even though the special effects were AMAZING, and I will be shocked if those alone don't get an Acedemy nod, I did get a little icked out when Voldie started to turn to ash. I mean, Voldie ash was flying in my FACE! I found myself trying in vain to vipe it away with my arms.
3D is sooo COOL!!! =D

Bet, my favorite part of the entire thing, out of all of the brilliance this film contains?


I CHEERED when he said that he had to tell Luna that he loved her!

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen! According to this brilliant movie, my OTP het couple is now CANON! =D

I might have more to say later on all of this...but right now I am going to bask in the loveliness of my
favorite CANON het couple!!! =D

harry potter, fight the power!, fangirl, movies

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