I've been neglecting my LJ

Mar 16, 2009 04:07

Holy crap, this is my first post since 28 December 08.  Considering this is my favourite blog and I'm not a huge fan of Facebook this is bad.

I've been posting on facebook as I know all my friends are there, but there's things I don't like.  For instance, if we join applications somebody gets access to all our information.  I don't know what it is but I just don't like facebook but I'm always there.  What is up with that?  LOL

And considering I paid to get life long membership of LJ, for me not to have used it in over 2 months that's not good.

Maybe I just needed a break from LJ.

So what have I been up to.

Learning to drive, I hoped to do it in about 20 lessons and was doing ok until I went driving and the sun blinded me and then the next lesson I had a headache and stalled twice on the roundabout and then it took me about 15 lessons to get back to where I had been.

But I take my test on 1 April at 14:30.  We'll just have to see what we see won't we?  I hope I don't have a female test examiner...

What else?

Ah I've been really upset by what my sisters boyfriend did last year. A lot of people don't understand.  I haven't spoken to my sister since just before Christmas.

And ever since the incident I've had problems with my bowels.  And the doctor reckons I have IBS, and she diagnosed piles at 11 o'clock or haemorrhoids.  I have one.  Whoopee.  I'm only 37.

Oh and I turned 37 since last time I was here.

I don't know what's going to happen between my sister and me.

And Jade Goody, a British reality celeb has terminal cancer thanks to doctors screwing up the diagnosis.  Just goes to show even if you're famous you can still have lousy health care.  Anyway she chose to let media film her battle, etc she has two small boys she wants to make sure they're set up financially for life.  And she also wanted to highlight the importance of having proper and decent checks.  Good luck to her.  Anyway papers are saying she has hours to live.  But she's still alive.  So in that sense it's a little sick.  She's not dead yet.  Miracles do happen.

Although I want to do aid work overseas and would like to do a charity walk neither has come to fruition.  Maybe it will maybe it won't.

Oh and I advertised for a sperm daddy.  I want my child to know their dad.  I've had a few responses, but none of them have really read my ad properly and I find that a little annoying.  If you're going to respond at least make sure you fit what I'm looking for.

You're either rh negative blood or you're not.  They're  not the same.  rh positive is not the same as rh negative.  LOL Jeanette, I loved your purple post.  Did you know blue is the new purple?
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