PODFIC BIG BANG: "Wolf & Fox" by skykissed (5:32:17) [ American Idol RPF | Adam/Kris | Explicit ]

May 13, 2011 01:14

Fic: Wolf and Fox by
Reader: eosrose
Cover Artist:
Beta Listener: adamaddict_rh & untamedfilly
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Relationship: Brad Bell/Cassidy Haley, Cale Mills/Tommy Joe Ratcliff, Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When the full moon comes, Kris Allen finds himself transforming into a fox, after an attack earlier that day by what he thought to be a rabid fox. Injured and confused, the tiny fox is picked up by a couple members of the local werewolf pack as a chewtoy gift for their Alpha, Adam Lambert. But when Adam lays eyes on the little ball of fluff, he decides to keep him instead

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