Sep 23, 2005 14:15
I just performed the greatest kitty mindfuck to date. The door to my bedroom has a full-length mirror, and it was halfway open, angled so I could see Kitty B down in pounce stance. I bent over a bit and waggled (portmanteau) my fingers, enticing (!) her to hunt them. She did, and she hunted them right to the mirror, where she ran into glass and didn't understand.
She just tried to attack my typin' fingers.
I like the idea of Kitty as traveling flea-killer. She's a mercenary. A Hessian.
Fuck, I forgot to sign up for Into the Streets at the Commons. There's no time now to walk over there and come back here, or even to the car, before work departure. Subconscious fear of volunteering? Looks like I'll be ready for both midterms earlier than I thought, and perhaps I'll have a mess of clean dishes.