(no subject)

Oct 12, 2010 20:28

Meme time~~~

comment to this entry and I'll give you a letter. (if you want to comment, but don't want to receive a letter just say so.)
list ten things that you love that begin with that letter and then post that list on your journal.

xxqod gave me the letter P

At first I was like "oh noes, why are there only things I HATE with 'p'? Like pink, papercut, plastic fingernails, period, pimples, pollution, phony people..." But then I found lots of stuff I like ^^

1. peach-flavoured ice tea
2. philosophy
3. plaid skirts
4. puppies, panda bears, penguins, ponies, pigs and all other animals that start with "p" that I can't think of right now
5. pretty boys
6. peppermint
7. piercings
8. pictures/photographs
9. pacifism
10. pancakes

this way to meme

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