Jan 29, 2010 17:54
...I'm tryin' it, awright?
I've had a few friends tell me I should try Star Trek: Voyager, and, yeah, it seems to have rather less stick-up-the-butt problems than TNG, and it's definitely already better than DS9...Janeway has the most annoying voice, but, ehh...I can deal.
I've only watched two episodes so far, and I have to admit that it seems to basically just be more of the same Star Trek plotlines; maybe it'll get more varied as the episodes go on.
I think I can see why it was recommended to me as something to watch for inspiration, for Kanira Baxter. Ehhh...we'll see how much of it I can stand. :)
Anyway, getting another page in the can before I go see Voltaire tonight. This'll be page #135; not bad. :)
kanira baxter,
star trek,