Sometimes I just can't think up a clever LJ title...

Oct 04, 2009 01:30

Been feeding my random nostalgia tonight.

Long, long time ago, back around high school or so, a friend of mine somehow managed to convince me to start watching The Young Riders...probably because I had something of a crush on her. I'm not really one to watch Westerns, but, well...I watched this one.

About a week ago, I got this sudden urge to watch the show again; not really sure why. Thankfully, Bittorrent is my friend; just saw the first few episodes of the first season. It's both better and worse than I remember; I spent the first episode snickering, partly out of nostalgia and partly cuz the show IS kinna cheeseball.

Didn't go to the Merc tonight; was really wiped for some reason. 'Course, it's after 1:30 in the ayem now...guess I wasn't sleepy, even if I was tired. Between getting sick and other shit goin' on, I haven't been to the Merc in almost a month; starting to miss it.

clubbing, nostalgia, the mercury, 80s

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