Oct 03, 2009 19:47
I need variety in my life; unless I'm the one who chose to experience the same thing over and over, repetition is one of the easiest ways to make me sick of something.
When Star Wars went all-Jedi and all-Sith for the prequels, I developed a distaste for Force users. When they play a song on the radio over and over and over, I get pretty sick of it. If I'm forced to eat ramen noodles too many meals in a row, I get pretty tired of 'em. I think I may have the highest tolerance for self-chosen repetition versus anybody else I know...and a proportionately lower tolerance for involuntary repetition.
Which is why, after watching several seasons of The L Word and so far most of the first season of The West Wing, I've gotten quite deeply sick of Marlee Matlin.
Don't get me wrong...I actually did like her as an actress once, and the fact that she's a famous deaf actress makes her story pretty interesting. But I wish there were at least two famous deaf acting types, so that it's not always and only her in these roles. Especially since she almost always plays EXACTLY the same character, the only difference being her chosen occupation and whoeverinhell's playing her interpreter.
It's gettin' old. S'all I'm sayin'.