It's always sumfin', innit?

Mar 09, 2009 11:12

So, of course, the chowdermonkey on the phone last night who told me that the bank could issue a temporary ATM-only card lied.

...which means that when I want money, I actually have to deal with the desk-monkey inside the bank. Which means waiting on line, filling out paperwork, and hassle, hassle, hassle. For an ADHD kid like me who believe that patience is a minor form of despair disguised as a virtue...well, you can surely understand that this pleases me about as much as taking a flagpole through the left eye socket.

It's always sumfin', innit?

That said, though...last night, I watched Bee Movie, the CGI flick about bees with Jerry Seinfeld as the voice of the main character. It was sitting there on the shelf at the library and I figured, "Awwww...whatthehell."
And I was very surprised by how much I liked it. Oddly, Seinfeld wasn't nearly as annoying as I'd expected--which is enough of a surprise in and of itself, neh?--but also...well, the CG was fairly well done (though most of the human characters were kinna creepy), the story was mostly interesting...
...but more than that...look, it's hardly a spoiler to say that eventually the main character leaves the hive to go fly around; it's a major plot point, but you already see it coming, I hope. So, that said...when he does go flying...well, dammit, it got me right here. I d'know how to explain it to you if you don't feel it yourself, but it reminded me of Luke on his way to attack the Death Star. It reminded me of Buzz Lightyear falling with style. It reminded me of Bastion and Atreyu flying around on Falcor. Or Cale from Titan AE when he got to fly the ship around. There was a joy to it that, you know, you don't get a lot of in real life. I feel it when I'm rollerblading sometimes, and there are some video games that'll get you there...but...ehhh...
Well, I mean,'s a pretty stupid movie, pretty much your average excuse-to-play-with-CGI-while-exploiting-big-name-star-power-to-draw-in-audiences-to-make-money kinna movie they're making these days, forgettable tripe that Pixar could fart out in their sleep (though this isn't Pixar, just a coattail-rider), but that part of it really GOT me. In fact...if you wanna get me, if you wanna get why I make my art and what I'm hoping to achieve with Kanira Baxter, that first flying scene in Bee Movie is a damn good place to start. It's not the whole picture, but...well, when I say that movies are too dark these days, that there's no joy in them anymore, THIS is what's missing. They have it in kid movies still...but I haven't seen it in a movie made for an older age bracket in a long, long time.

Yes...YES! The exact scene I'm looking for is on YouTube:

image Click to view

If you do nothing else, take six minutes out of your day to watch this scene. I'd give a lot to do something like this in real life. Seriously...some of you said that my Me-In-60-Seconds video was so very, very me; so is this. Really.

star wars, kanira baxter, money, animation, movies, geekery

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