ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Dec 16, 2012 20:27
*just chillin', dorky weirdo, !picture, ladies watch out, freaking cute, smile for the camera, try not to stare, what are you doing?, lol fail!, too much sugar in his cereal..., mister pretty boy, ain't he precious?, he has too much free time, lmfao!, :))), :'), the teaser, *twitter, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Dec 12, 2012 14:14
bit serious eh?, o_o, !picture, freaking cute, his hair must be insured, what are you doing?, i love his hair, lol fail!, *photo-shoot, mister pretty boy, ain't he precious?, poor dear :'(, lmfao!, topless is the new trend, thinking..., :'), what are you staring at?
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Nov 20, 2012 12:04
bit serious eh?, !picture, with: tom hopper, with: bradley james, bit scruffy today lol, with: santiago cabrera, totally bffs ♡, awesome, *photo-shoot, [as: gwaine], i love group photos!, with: rupert young, :))), *merlin related, with: the knights, thinking..., i love them ♥, :'), too sweet; it's giving me cavities, what are you staring at?, omg, with: adetomiwa edun
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Nov 02, 2012 05:54
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bit serious eh?, !video, his hair must be insured, the ultimate ot3, mister badass, i love his hair, totally bffs ♡, awesome, [as: gwaine], courage/magic/strength, "my hair and i are faboulous!", lmfao!, *merlin related, :))), irish couple ♥, i love them ♥, :'), with: colin morgan, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Oct 30, 2012 22:33
bit serious eh?, aren't they cute?, !video, freaking cute, mister badass, totally bffs ♡, awesome, totally james bond yo, *merlin related, :))), irish couple ♥, i love them ♥, with: colin morgan, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, :'), omg