ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Dec 16, 2012 20:27
*just chillin', dorky weirdo, !picture, ladies watch out, freaking cute, smile for the camera, try not to stare, what are you doing?, lol fail!, too much sugar in his cereal..., mister pretty boy, ain't he precious?, he has too much free time, lmfao!, :))), :'), the teaser, *twitter, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Dec 07, 2012 13:40
dorky weirdo, !picture, ladies watch out, freaking cute, smile for the camera, try not to stare, his hair must be insured, lol fail!, i love his hair, boys hold onto your gfs, awesome, mister pretty boy, bit tired are we?, ain't he precious?, lmfao!, :))), perfect profile, show crossovers, *twitter, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Nov 28, 2012 12:46
aren't they cute?, dorky weirdo, !picture, ladies watch out, freaking cute, with: tom hopper, smile for the camera, with: bradley james, the ultimate ot3, totally bffs ♡, i love group photos!, lmfao!, *behind the scenes: merlin, *merlin related, i love them ♥, *twitter, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Oct 26, 2012 08:07
*just chillin', bit tired are we?, blah, !picture, freaking cute, lmfao!, topless is the new trend, :))), *twitter, what are you doing?, lol fail!
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Oct 16, 2012 03:45
*just chillin', bit tired are we?, blah, !picture, freaking cute, lmfao!, :))), smile for the camera, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, *twitter
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 27, 2012 04:37
totally bffs ♡, *just chillin', aren't they cute?, dorky weirdo, !picture, freaking cute, :))), smile for the camera, with: tom hopper, *award show, i love them ♥, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, *twitter, flirty, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 26, 2012 04:09
*just chillin', bit tired are we?, blah, !picture, freaking cute, too sweet; it's giving me cavities, *twitter, i love his hair, omg
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 25, 2012 04:01
too much sugar in his cereal..., o_o, dorky weirdo, !picture, freaking cute, lmfao!, smile for the camera, abstract (a.k.a weird), *twitter, omg