Things have been getting very low here, woes that have seen our health diminishing as things slowly grind onwards with no end in sight
Brian received a call this morning from Orthopedics. Nothing is confirmed, but it looks like there has been a cancellation on the scheduled list and, if so, B was asked if he was interested/able to take it at short notice...
Confirmation will be tomorrow (Friday). If this goes forward, we will need to 'shield' from Sunday ready for surgery on Wednesday next week. Next week!!!
I won't lie, B really needs to get this sorted - he isn't just arthritic, his thigh bone is necrotic and wearing away (he's lost a couple of inches of leg length IIRC). His pain is difficult to control, and he gets little sleep. So if you can spare him you good wishes, blessings, hugs and prayers from Wednsday on we'd be thankful!
There is a lot to be done to ready the house for when he comes home postoperatively, but I'd be dancing 'round the room right now if I could :)
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