They are out there, just waiting to get you! Beware!! Beware!!!
Now I have that out of my system, a little explanation.
I have had a pile of stuff beside my bed thar really needed sorting out: paperwork, sewing supplies (I say haberdashery, N Americans apparently say notions), assorted odds and ends of crafting stuff, etc. The odds and ends that need sorting into the correct place for them, on the offchance I find a circular tuit :p
Today, I decided I needed to do something about it all. I started pulling out the things stuffed between my bed and the side table there, and all seemed to be going well until...
Glitter bomb.
I'm assuming it was some kind angry fairy that has caused this because, although I do have the odd contained samples of glitter about, this was a sudden burst of silver gritty substance usually found in kids crafts - most of mine is very fine. What is more, I haven't located where it came from. There was a substantial enough amount of it, but I have found no jar, tube or bag it could have been in, hence why I suspect a suicide run fairy.
It is everywhere, probably no more than a rounded teaspoon's worth but you just know how it gets in everything; glitter is one of those things you may have to move house to be rid of in the end.
It is even in my keyboard.
I wish I had one of those handheld vacs right now.
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