Jul 07, 2007 23:34
There is a point in everyone's life when they realize how fucked up the world is.
This time in my life has definitely been for the past 5 years for me.
I guess you can say 12 is a young age to realize anything, but hey when you're 12 and listening to punk music, politics usually run through your head.
During that time I started to realize how liberal I really am and how ridiculous it is when religion tries to intermingle with politics, I believe in God but I don't think religion has a place in deciding things such as abortion and gay rights ( I almost believe politics doesn't even have a place in deciding those issues really either...)
As I grew I became even more concerned with the human condition and civil rights. I was always fascinated about the stuff they DIDN"T teach you in school ( sorry one paragraph about martin luther king, rosa parks and malcolm X doesn't cut it) The things that really matter, the part of history we DON"T want to REPEAT, the atrocities, the wars.I grew a little more and started to get even more concerned about life outside my front door, the homeless, the diseased. About 2 years ago I began to focus my energy on Africa (and other 3rd world countries for that matter). No,this is not a trend.(even if every celebrity says they are concerned with Africa as well)No this is not what you think. You CAN NOT fuck around with people's lives.Yes we have problems with our own country, but if we can help others how we can begin to help ourselves. If everyday you lived in fear of finding a place where you wouldn't be killed how would you feel. If you saw your family get killed how would you feel. If finding simple things like water and food were the most difficult thing in the world to do how would you feel. If you had to live in fear of being drafted into an army that has been committing the same atrocities you went through HOW WOULD YOU FEEL.Exactly the world isn't so pleasant after all. We have a DUTY as HUMANS to fix this. Did you know if we took .5% of the world's military spending we could end hunger in 10 years. 10 years! No, thats what our government doesn't tell us, what do they do they fight wars and kill more innocent people. If we are such a powerful country why don't we show it the real way not with guns and soldiers, but with love and compassion and REAL HEART( that's what this country lacks).
Now today we see Live Earth on television, take your everyday and make it into what will give this world millions of more years to live. The environment concerns all of us.Recycle, use better lighting,use your car less, use less water, keep the world clean, everything counts
Now at 17 years old I am taking a stand against everything I find to be wrong with this world because if we don't fix it no one will.
Save the World. Save the People.Save the Environment. Save Ourselves