But not ACAD. ;v;
Once I get 100 subs and a new laptop, I'm starting up an MEP studio of my own. BACK IN THE DAY when I first started making AMVs, I tried to start up a CLAMP studio and I had no idea what I was doing and it sucked and none of my messages ever went through to anyone and I still do not understand why.
But now that I have grown and know what I'm doing
Like Story Studio is HAPPENING. |D;;
So I'll finally be in a studio for something that isn't Hetalia~ = v =
(Fun fact: 90% of my subscribers are prolly only subscribed to me for the Hetalia... OTL)
Characters are hard. ,_,;;;; /trying to come up with an RP character
Magia [HetaOni] is the most popular one... Originally I was going to use the Higarashi theme, but I decided I was going to make the video before I saw Puella Magi, and actually made it afterward. So I ended up using Magia instead. I kind of wanted to make it like a fake OP, but that didn't really happen...
What I Wouldn't Do [Spain/Romano] is my favorite, I think. Or, one of my two favorites (I also really like Amsterdam [Voices of a Distant Star] but it is so unpopular... ;-;) I wanted to make an orange + white Spamano video with Collide by Howie Day, because that song just feels orange and white to me. Then WGS made an MEP with a mashup that included that song, and it's been done a lot in the first place, so I didn't really want to use it. I'm not sure how I ended up with What I Wouldn't Do though, but I think it suits the pairing really well.
People say that the end is really sad, because Romano leaves, but I never thought it was... As I was making it I was thinking, "pfff, as if you could really stay away, Lovi." So to me it isn't really. On it's own I find the song really sad, but in this context I think there's still hope.
The same person who said that, though, told me that if she could write fanfic she would write companion fic for it and sdfghjk. Haha... I would have just died if someone did that, I would be too happy. xD;;
My first AMV was Racing Like A Pro [Subaru/Seishirou]. The song is by one of my favorite bands, The National. They're not really popular with the AMV-making crowd, or any crowd, it would seem, because if you search the song on YouTube, my video is the first hit. It's also up on a lyrics site as the sample video, and a bunch of crazy places I don't even understand. Most of the comments on it and the views it's gotten are because of what song it is, so I'm surprised no one's who found it because of that has mentioned (as far as I've seen) that it's shipping two guys. It makes me happy that people who probably don't like anime or yaoi don't mind it being that video, just because Racing Like A Pro is a great song. Or so I like to believe. |D;;;
I really, really hate My First Kiss [Hiei/Kurama]. I... don't know why I made it, honestly. Before I read Yu Yu Hakusho, I fell in love with the cover of this one doujinshi. When I found and read the doujinshi itself, I didn't even like it, and when I did read YYH, I didn't like the pairing or Hiei at all. So when people comment on the video I just... do not understand. xD;; On the other hand, it was a big jump in quality from the last video, so I guess I learned a lot making it.
Title Track [Subaru/Seishirou], I did before I understood HQ and how to properly save things, so things look a bit off, but I really love the split screen thing. I'm planning on doing a Homura/Madoka video like that to Julius by Starfucker. But anyway, the reason I made it like that was because my ex-boyfriend was supposed to make a video of the trip the school band had taken in the spring, and he used that song and did it with a split screen. And I thought it was really cool. So I was just trying to find a song to make a video with one day and this one fit, and I just couldn't imagine making it any other way. I think it has a lot of impact. Unfortunately I didn't have enough video I felt suited it to use the entire song, so I had to end it before my favorite line ("my best judgement signed its resignation").
When I made In A Cave [Loveless] I didn't know how to use a bunch of the effects APE had, so at the time it seemed pointless to try to remove the subs. Now I know how I could have, but it's too late now. Despite that, I really like it. Admittedly, the subs to detract from the effect of the video. There are times when they can be good and add to the emotion of it, with the right lines and such, but just leaving them in doesn't work. It's odd that I didn't know how to use cropping until... pretty recently, actually, considering I even used keyframes in this video with other effects. I'M JUST DUMB. .-.;;;
This was the first time I put any thought into the "story" of the video. It was something more looking into the story, rather than... reciting(?) it. It's also the only time I've done it. xD;; Even with What I Wouldn't Do, my intention wasn't really to tell a story, but the song does that on its own. I do like that way of making videos, though, so maybe I'll do it more often... =v=
Best of You [Prussia/Hungary] was supposed to be done really quickly. Somehow I really underestimated how long it would take... It wasn't any faster than a regular video. (It was because I was planning on just using plain images, not editing anything in Photoshop like I had with Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is). I made most of it over Christmas break while I was back home. Since it was supposed to be quick, I dragged all the images in from zerochan without saving anything, and then my dad did something to Premiere and it couldn't find the source files anymore, so I had to go back and figure out what I'd used, save them all, and assign the images to the parts in the video. It was such a pain. OTL
And then there was the ending... For some reason I thought it already ended with that line, and when I came to the end and it didn't I thought, "Nope. It has to end like this. That's what I was planning, so I'll make it like that." It didn't work very well... I like this version of the song much better than the original, but I might have ruined it a little. |D;
So that's it for the videos I've made that I have anything to say about. xD;;;
The others are pretty well just, "I wanted to so I did and that's all there is to it."
I'm pretty embarrassed that Electropop exists, but, uh... I feel it would be wrong to delete it. (Same for My First Kiss.)