They're still at it

Feb 12, 2007 02:27

We have yet another braniac TV weather personality with no education in climate whatsoever blogging about how global warming is a natural phenomena, and so not to pay attention to those environmentalists.

This is getting to be a national contest of on-camera dummies, apparently

But, this one even takes it to the next next level of absurdity. However, before I tantalize you with that, first - a bit of his bio: Apparently he doesn't even have a met degree, let alone a degree in climatology. He was some radio DJ who "Once frightened by the winds, the lightning, and the dark clouds, Chris overcame his fears by learning why and how storms happen."

Ahem. Nice, Chris. You don't pee your bed anymore now that you understand that when clouds go up rain and wind often come down.

Anyway, ok, now for some of the money quotes -

"My biggest argument against putting the primary blame on humans for climate change is that it completely takes God out of the picture"

"It must have slipped these people's minds that God created the heavens and the earth and has control over what's going on."

"Do you honestly believe God would allow humans to destroy the earth He created?"

"Of course, if you don't believe in God and creationism then I can see why you would easily buy into the whole global warming fanfare. "

"I think in many ways that's what this movement is ultimately out to do - rid the mere mention of God in any context."

"What these environmentalists are actually saying is 'we know more than God - we're bigger than God - God is just a fantasy - science is real...He isn't...listen to US!'"

Full blog entry here.

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