(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 14:21

I cannot be trusted to write when I am depressed, it seems. Even when I know it mat help me feel better, and make a pledge to try. Bah at me. This last year has been very hard for Gav and I, our longest time apart so far. It was actually a full year between visits this time. I got so depressed that I rarely got out of bed. All I did was work, when jobs were in, and read for the most part. I got a dreadful malaise, and it got so bad I was actually upset and nervous whenever I left the house. But, more on my new-found issues in another, angstier, entry. Good news is at hand!

I am in Scotland again! I have been here a month already, but it took a while to get internet set up, because of the second part of the good news: we have our very own flat, just the two of us! The house, Hillview, is split into two flats, one on each floor. This is the view from our window:

I am going to be here a full five months! At the end of the time, in February, the plan is to have hairyscotsman fly back with me for a few weeks to a month to get our visa and say goodbyes to folk, and make my final, permanent, departure. Gods, it has been a long four years of trans-atlantic relationship time, but we've never been stronger. *glow*

Also, the creative plans I hinted at last entry (last year *blush*) are much closer to fruition, given that being over here always does beautiful things to my creativity. Also, it is a wonderful idea to make monies and occupy me fully while Gav is at work. The unveiling should be ready in a week or so.

And here is me, about the same, learning to use the new camera of Gav's, hence no flash this time.

And with the flash, but smile not as good, heh. But, a much better shot of the necklace, which is a damn good hint at the creative endeavor I am brewing! My jewelleries will be available soon ^^

And Ivy again, pretty much as usual, glowing eerily in daylight from the window, heh.

You may also have been concerned because my website has been down. It is down permanently for financial reasons from about 6 months ago. I will be starting up something of an official sort for the jewellery selling soon.

And, since I will be here at the house working on my things most days, and taking necessary breaks to rest my hands, I can try to be a better lj friend all around! It has been a lonely year.

Love from Gav and Ivy!

gav, scotland, relocation, joys, photos

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