I've gotten out of the habit of cross-posting/linking my icon posts at sinequaicon into my journal, so I thought it'd be nice to have my 2012 reflection post be that.
Though a lot of the icons in the posts were made in 2011. XD
Lol, these aren't my oldest icons, for sure. I know I blaaaaleted a lot of em! These, my friends, were the keepers. Oldest is from March 2003. Most of these were made in ArcSoft Photo Impression.
My little fingers... they can go no further. Also, I need sleep. XD (I thought I'd have all day Saturday/today to work on this, but I just found out that apparently we are visiting my grandparents today! ::le sigh::)
- Pushing Daisies .gifs x 13 - Dresden Files icons x 6