queenfaithie: List Ten Celebrity Crushes and then answer the questions under the cut.
I am also placing my list under the cut, seeing as how there are pictures and all.
01 - *Karl Urban*
02 - Eliza Dushku
03 - Gerry Butler
04 - Enis Esmer
05 - James Roday & 06 - Maggie Lawson
07 - Michael Muhney
08 - Dean Martin
09 - Julia Ling
10 - Oliver Reed
So what do you like most about 2? (Eliiiza)
She just has that "it". She may not be the most versatile actress, I'll admit that, but I'd be happy to watch her play Eliza Dushku over and over again.
If you could do anything with 4, what would it be? (Enis Esmer)
He's knowledgeable and effusive on the subject of old-school hip-hop (Run-DMC in particular), which I am kinda curious about, so I'd be happy just to have him talk at me for a while. (Also: make-outs.)
Who would you choose between 5 and 7? (James Roday & Muhney)
Eeeeevil. Actually, one of the things that initially softened me up for Psych is that James reminds me a bit of Muhney. I think they could totally be BFFs. That is my final answer.
Out of a ten, how much would you rate 1? (*Karl*)
Forty eight billion stars.
What do you find most attractive about 1? (*Karl*)
His irreverence for things which aren't important, and his respect and passion for things which are. (Also: have you SEEN him?)
If you could go out with 3, what type of date would you go on? (Gerry)
I don't know, but there would probably be paparazzi involved at some point! I would totes punch a paparazzo for you, Gerry. (Re: paps -- also willing to administer: drop kicks, snap kicks, wrist throws, mace.)
If 8 was a type of season, which season would it be? (Dean Martin)
I think an autumn. His best songs (IMO) are the ones with the slow, lovely melodies, but have an undercurrent of longing or loss.
Why is 10 not higher up your list? (Oliver Reed)
I was unaware they were supposed to be in order! But probably because he's way, way dead.
So what does 10 have to do to be brought higher up? (Oliver Reed)
Invent a time machine? Preferably sometime during the late 60's/early 70's.
What would the ideal situation be for you for 2 and 4? (Eliza, Enis)
Music of some kind, and DANCING.
Which two people would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Maggie and James! :D
Marry, shag or kiss - 4, 6, 8? (Enis, Maggie, Dean)
Marry Enis, shag Dean, kiss Maggie.
What do you hate most about 7? (Muhney)
That he does not have Canadian dual-citizenship so he can be in sci fi shows (apparently).
Have you ever thought how you'll react when you meet 3? (Gerry)
No. I actually did have the chance to meet Gerry at Comic Con a couple years ago, but went to the Veronica Mars panel, instead. I mostly don't regret it.
wendyjoe555 inherited the golden ticket, and took a funny picture.
(This makes me think of
the_evident, too.)
Have you seen 1 and 2 together on TV before? (*Karl* & Eliza)
Holy hotness, Batman! I wish! I think they'd work really well together. (And now for some reason I am imagining a whole alternate version of Dollhouse in which *Karl* plays Ballard. O__o)
Have you ever dreamt about 6? (Maggie)
Not that I can remember. I'll hazard a guess that I probably have dreamt about Juliet O'Hara, but, again, not that I can remember.
Who would you take to a prom/ball with you?
... any? I guess?
Cuddle, glomp, or kiss 1, 3, 5? (*Karl*, Gerry, James)
Cuddle *Karl*, glomp James, kiss Gerry.
If you could give anything to 10, what would it be? (Oliver Reed)
TIIIIME MUSHEEEEN! Actually, I think he'd prefer a beer, so beer it is.
Out of all of them - who would you:
Kick? Julia Ling! In a learning-martial-arts-together context! (Also, let the records show that there are no questions about person #9! Why don't they just ask you to write down 9 crushes?!)
Kiss? Gerry
Pinch cheek? Muhney (especially when he starts challenging random people to rock-paper-scissors)
Run away with? Any?
Act like an idiot with? All. Definitely all.
Cry on? None, I hope.
Take to see your parents? None! O__O Maybe Enis. They are probably least familiar with his work, and would therefore embarrass me less.
Cross dress with? Maggie. (She's totally hot when she's all butchy, okay?!)
Swap lives with for a day? None.