I enjoyed it while I was watching it, but looking back, I mostly remember the things I vehemently did NOT like.
Seriously, you guys. ANNA. You write a series regular off the show with ONE LINE?! And to rub salt in the injury, you imply that the character is a cheater? Ugh. As soon as I find another icon I want to upload, I will be retiring this one, because if they can't care enough about the character to give her ANY GODDAMN RESPECT, I cannot care enough to promote the show to the internet at large. My other Chuck icons may go, as well.
Emmett. Well, I'm glad he's gone, but was it really necessary to include a homophobic comment and a misogynistic comment in the two lines before he died?
Canon inconsistency. WTF is all this "SPIES HAVE NO FEELINGS" bullshit they've been hammering on the viewers in these episodes? Apparently, the viewers totally dreamed up the Bryce/Sarah relationship. And the Casey/Ilsa relationship. And Jill is a manipulative hor who totally played Chuck. Further, there is canon inconsistency within the first episode of the season itself -- it is said that the new version of the Intersect cannot flash when Chuck is in emotional distress, yet when he is humiliated and angered by Emmett in the Buy More, he has to fight the Intersect to keep himself from using the kung fu. I anticipate a lot more problems with consistency, too, since they didn't even set up any real rules for the new Intersect besides the emotions thing. Plus, Awesome was right -- we saw in another episode that when Chuck was no longer useful to the government, he was going to be terminated because the knowledge he had was too valuable. Now that he's doubly as dangerous with the Intersect upgrade in his head (Beckman even admits this onscreen!) as well as government training, they just let him wander free? No, of course not.
And, naturally, it wouldn't be a Chuck discussion post without mentioning the GENDERFAIL. My jaw totally dropped and I made audible sounds of disgust when: Chuck is shown getting ready for the party. He's almost done; the only article of clothing he's missing is his tie, and the conversation is centered around this in order to explain it. Cut to: Sarah getting ready for the party. Once again, she is parading around her apartment/hotel room in skimpy lingerie. Only this time, she is not alone like she usually is: Carina is getting ready for the party, too! Also in skimpy lingerie! With a musical montage, because heaven forbid we'd want any of that brain-hurty plot or dialog to distract us while we ogle these women's bodies. Of course, there was a lot more wrong than this one scene, I just don't want to analyze it in too much depth, or else I would be in danger of having to not watch the show any more as a matter of principle.