Monday Night Fever

Nov 12, 2007 23:14

Chuck & Sarah "break-up"! AWESOME. And Captain Awesome was also back to being awesome this episode with random TMI sex talk! He is far too interested in the sex life of his girlfriend's brother. I don't like Lou, but probably just because it's Rachel Bilson. Morgan is seekritly winning all the battles at work. Maybe he'll become the new assistant manager instead of Chuck! Oh, and the BEST THING of all?! JAW CHISELED BY MICHELANGELO HIMSELF. That's practically canon that Chuck finds Casey more attractive than Sarah. Just sayin'.

Yeah, at first Niki was annoying, then I kind of hated her, and now I have nothing but contempt for the character. Just, she's so fucking STUPID, and even the writers can't figure out what to do with her. "Remember that summer when you ran away to LA and told everyone to call you Gina?" ARG. LAMEST OF THE LAME. They better kill her. Or I will be so mad. I am so sick of this shit. And, is it just the odd way they set up the end of the episode, or did Niki, infected Patient Zero, just walk out the front door and into the big, wide world?! ::stabstabstab::

That shot of falling Nathan, and then PETER catching HIM? SO GOOD.

I was a bit disappointed by how one-dimensional Elle seemed until this episode. Good job pulling it out, KB!

Why does Adam still speak with a British accent?
mizzmarvel is right; you can pretty much ship Peter with anyone. I totally sporfled when they were "escaping" from the holding room, and Peter spread his hands on the wall, and Adam approached him from behind. NOT AT ALL subtextual, really!

Oh, Mama Petrelli. I hate you so much, but in a good way. You are the Sheriff Lamb of Heroes.

Maya & Alejandro. LOVE IT. Except that we didn't really get to see the genesis of Alejandro's power. According to Shalim, Alejandro was supposed to be killed off after like four episodes. I'm glad he's still around, but I feel like he gets shafted in the writing, which makes me suspect they're just going to kill him anyway, so I can't really get invested in the character, which is entirely counterproductive to keeping him around so long in the first place! GRR.

Okay, now that I've cooled off a wee bit from my rant about Niki, let's talk about DL & Micah. A) How did DL get a job as a fireman, being an escaped convict, and all? B) WHY DO THEY KEEP KILLING LEONARD ROBERTS?! IT'S NOT FAIR! I've now seen him die FIVE TIMES on TWO SHOWS! [The shooting at the end of Heroes S1 totally counts.] C) Micah is so adorable with his police scanner idea. Except he'd been so perceptive in the past, right down to knowing what his mom was doing in the garage. So how come he stopped noticing? D) Micah's life is so fucked up. I'm surprised he's not out raiding ATM machines again. E) 9th Wonders birthday cake = WIN. You know that was all DL's doing, too, and not moron Niki's.

Ooh, and also a meme I've seen on a couple people's LJs:

Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe top full
Of direst entwashian.

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

Now, I don't claim to be a Shakespeare expert in any way (I didn't recognize the quotes from any one else's meme, for example), but a random click just happens to pick Lady MacBeth's angry hellbitch speech just for ME? So kismet. And I get to use my MacBeth tag again!

heroes, macbeth, teevee, chuck, meme

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