Friends not Feed

Nov 30, 2020 09:29


Waves from the Bog of Endless Stench (ok, no, it's not that bad, but they have been working on the sewer lift station across from me since... April?)

The subject refers to my discovery just now that while I CANNOT get the default 'feed' page to work (LJ tells me to log in, but refuses to accept the log in) if I substitute 'friends' in the URL, it works. LJ, you are a failboat.

I THINK the shitboxers are almost done, but it's hard to tell. Last Tuesday they told me they were going to resod my verge on Wednesday (months of having a backhoe and huge lengths of pipe laying on it killed nearly everything). They didn't do it, of course. Today I see SURVEYORS on my verge and I'm thinking OMG NO NO do NO MORE DIGGING. I am so tired of Life with a Backhoe.

On the bright side, since they killed off the grass, I've been going out most days with a garden fork, colander and a bucket to dig up rocks-- where I live there are no 'real rocks' at best there's lumpy marl and chunks of fossilized coral (dirty white lumps of ugly)but decades ago my mother got scammed into putting down *landscape* rocks for the verge as parking substrate. Totally unsuited for that, ankle turning river rocks in a wide assortment of shapes and sizes and colors (white/gray/yellow/red/brown/black- most of them drab brownish gray, though). Over the years I managed to sneak in some dirt and coax grass to cover it, but since they were growing over rocks it was difficult to get anything to survive. SO, in my usual obsessive fashion I started digging up the rocks and then washing them thinking to use them for art. I now have a LOT of nicely clean rocks in a lot of buckets in the living room. One of the major benefits of living alone is that I can DO THAT.

One day maybe I'll Art with them. They could be mosaics- or even a pathway if I set them smoothly in cement. Small ones could be made into 'rune stones' for divination fun.

If life hands you rocks, then rock on, baby.

Ok, just posting to prove I could, must get myself back to doing stuff... have sewing ideas for Christmas gifts for the few people left on my mailing list. *fingers crossed the sewing machine holds up* I don't want to buy a new one because they don't make them like they used to... also, kinda over my normal budget lately what with purchasing a robot...a swimming pool cleaner that plugs into house current-- for YEARS I've been scraping the pool manually with a pole because all the pool equipment is broken & it was a nightmare the last time I had people fix it (more expensive than they said, took longer than they said, and they said they'd do what I asked and instead did what they pleased with the result being cracked pavement, a filter I had to stand on a wall-& pry up with a screwdriver- to take apart for cleaning, valves I COULD NOT turn even with a wrench so they've been left open forever, and a pump house that filled up with stagnant water until I took a lump hammer and length of pipe to smash a hole in the cement they put in so it could drain...and the best? The expensive salt system to turn salt into chlorine did not keep the pool clean, so I had to buy chemicals anyway-- and the salt pitted my stainless steel ladder and... yeah, I think I would rather not have people 'fix' the pool. SO when I recently found that robotic pool cleaners that plug into house current exist, I ordered one- the cheapest that should work for my large pool. $650... I guess I'll count it as my birthday present to myself (Dec 7, AKA Pearl Harbor Day in the US, AKA A Day that will Live in Infamy)....

Long venting is long, it was an old whine, it waited.
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