Today's Doggo is a Corgi

May 22, 2020 17:40

I kept messing up because suddenly the mouse would not STOP drawing, so my doggo had stripes where I'd moved the mouse up to change colors. So, there was a lot of post-production in Photoshop Elements.

ALSO NOTE: I've switched off crossposting to LJ, at this point even if they fixed it, I would fail because I'd failed... circular track with no way of disembarking.

So then I took the mouse into the kitchen and ran a toothpick around the side seam all around- Mac *improved* the mouse by making it not user-openable for cleaning- I have to use an old toothbrush to try to clean the optical 'hole', too. *grumble* I LIKED the old mouse system, I just tossed in a couple new AA batteries when it was low and was good to go again in seconds- the current one MUST be charged by being plugged into the computer when it's low which takes a LONG LONG TIME (and when I bought the computer the factory forgot to put in the cable so I was thinking 'Magic Mouse' magically charges itself HOW?) and further grumble, the default setting on the computer doesn't show when the mouse is low on charge (had to hunt on line to find USERS telling how to force the computer to include a drop down to check the charge- along with other stuff useful to get at quickly), AND when it's charging, it's unusable, unlike a cell phone, because it has to be flipped on its back to plug in), AND if the computer goes to sleep while its charging not only does it stop charging, but quite often the mouse becomes 'undiscoverable' and so I can't even do anything until I reboot the computer, sometimes I have to reboot 3 times before it can find the mouse, AND sometimes when the mouse becomes 'undiscoverable' even the keyboard shortcuts fail!

So far, I've found the only way to charge the mouse without running into problems is to keep the computer working on stuff that doesn't use the mouse-- either reading on line fic and using the down arrow on keyboard to scroll, or watching a movie (Mac ALSO got rid of the inbuilt DVD player, so I had to get a separate player). Mac Believes---Remove Functionality = Raise Prices... if I didn't have 20 years plus of using Macs... I can't switch, my brain is too old for entirely new stuff...

So far, at LEAST the power button works, the only remaining option would be pulling the power plug which runs a risk of fubaring the computer. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. I'm disabling comments on LJ as I can no longer read comments there.
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