Dammit, Trump

May 03, 2020 10:14

The US promised poor folks an economic whatever payment, starting mid-April, so every day starting April 15 I went to the website page to check if they agreed I qualified. For nine days I checked every day and it said it didn't have enough information to verify if I qualified.

On the 25th it said I did qualify and asked if I wanted a check sent, or direct deposit. EVEN IF the bank is open, I have no way to get there, so I opted for direct deposit. I filled out all the information. I got a pop-up that said I was successful and payment would be directly deposited in my checking account.

Yesterday I got a check in the mail, with TRUMP'S name on it. AS IF HE is paying the check, instead of it coming from all the US taxpayers. I live in a 'swing state' one of the ones where the disproportionate number of 'electoral college' votes comes from- one of the states where politicians focus on winning the hearts and minds of voters by BS, and flattery. USING the Power of the Office and the US taxpayers MONEY to influence voters is totally WRONG. No other president has put their NAME on any funds given to voters.

They are apparently doing this to SO MANY people that they put this BS on the FAQ.

Q30. I requested a direct deposit of my Payment. Why are you mailing it to me as a check?
A30. It is possible we do not have the correct bank account information for you, or your financial institution rejected the direct deposit. In either case, your Payment will be mailed to the address we have on file for you.

I KNOW I made no mistake, I triple checked every digit and letter. I suppose it's barely possible my bank- one of the LARGEST banks in the country- didn't know how to accept a direct deposit, but in my heart, I believe that payments to swing state voters at least were deliberately sent as checks, so TRUMP could get the credit for them. And it works on some people. I have SEEN people in videos being all TRUMP IS A GOOD BUSINESS MAN, LOOK WE ALREADY GOT THE CHECKS HE SENT US!

The check says it's good for a year. I HOPE I can get to a bank before then. IF I had a smart phone or tablet I could possibly download an APP to photograph the check and deposit it electronically. OR if I had transport and could find an ATM that accepts deposit, I could try that. And both are nopes.

So the check is sitting in my purse, ripening, like a rotten fruit.

Ok, rant over. Today I appear to be only a bit sniffly, so far. Here's hoping either I was wrong and had a 24 hour virus? Is there such a thing? OR, IF I had COVID-19 back in Feb (close to 3 weeks exhaustion and coughing) possibly it gave me partial immunity and my immune system caught a second infection and is battling valiantly??

I will hope for the second, as it sounds more cheerful. This entry was originally posted at https://feng-shui-house.dreamwidth.org/1572016.html. Please comment there using OpenID. I'm disabling comments on LJ as I can no longer read comments there.
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