Can't smell a thing, darn it...

May 01, 2020 12:15

Not sure if I've got the virus-- woke up with no sense of smell (one of the less common early symptoms).

I've been SO CAREFUL since March 17, but on April 29 the neighbor behind me wanted to give me some mangoes. And I didn't want to be rude and say No, or Wait while I get my mask... so I lifted the edge of the chain link fence over a low wall and took them straight in to wash the mangoes and my hands.

Sneezed a few times yesterday but sometimes I sneeze when I eat hot food. Felt a little warm yesterday, but then it IS hot here.

I tested my sense of smell with a cup of coffee-- nope. Couldn't take my temperature, because I have four mercury thermometers- and either they've clogged up with age, or my old eyes can't read them.

Ah well... too bad about my mask making. I have 75 in progress, but even though I'm sure the virus couldn't live on CLOTH long enough to get through the mail (surgical masks can keep it alive for 7 days! But cloth is less favorable! No virus detectable after 2 days on cloth) really if it lived it's not fair to others to risk it, until I'm either sure I don't have it, or sure I'm over it.

Can't get tested- have no transport & while my city recently started in home testing for seniors with symptoms I'm 2 years too young (plus I doubt they'd consider losing the use of your schnozzola as a symptom.)

If you're curious this is the study about the life of the virus on various surfaces.

And the topper- I cut up the mangoes, which was a lot of work with little to show for it- and when I COULD smell and taste, I didn’t like them. (The only other time I had eaten mango was when my brother pulled a dirty trick on me decades ago and shoved a forkful of 'turpentine mango' in my mouth. That variety does taste JUST like turpentine. This kind wasn't like that, but still I didn't care for them. I think I'll just put them out on a tiled table in the back yard, possibly the blue jays will eat them.)

Here’s hoping I’m blowing this out of proportion & either I'm not sick, or it's just the very mild version.

EDIT: 1,475 confirmed cases in my city as of yesterday-- it's really widespread here. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. I'm disabling comments on LJ as I can no longer read comments there.
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