Earth Day Pic Spam 4 of 4

Apr 22, 2020 22:03

I went out for a swim near sunset and there were cats. Luckily I'd brought my camera.

The other day I'd seen a glimpse of 2 kittens near the pool, and was concerned they were trying to drink and would drown, so I rinsed out a ceramic planter pot I wasn't using, and filled it with water. I noticed the water going down, and every day I refilled it.

While I was in the pool a tabby came to the bowl. Looks like the mom cat to me- pink nipples and thin from feeding kittens. She was a little unsure of me, but I gave her cat body language-- slow blinks for 'friendly' and head tilt for 'playful' and while she didn't approach me, at least she relaxed enough that I was able to reach out of the pool and get my camera to take a few snaps.

So, that was my Earth Day.

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