I wonder if I already had the novel coronavirus?

Apr 18, 2020 09:51

Was thinking about it, and recall mentioning not feeling 100% in emails to Z, so I got curious and went back over my emails (YES, I am PROCRASTINATING not doing other stuff.)

I am the closest thing to a hermit, so it seems unlikely I would have got it before it was widely known to be in the US, BUT my ONE normal human close contact is a taxi driver, who picks up people from all over the world, so possible??

I rather hope I did, because if I had a mild case, then I might have resistance to getting it worse for at least a while.

Feb 12
So Very Tired today.

Feb 14
I’m still zombie*, I may change my name to ZOmarian. Maybe it’s the time of year?

*consistently exhausted for no discernable reason.

Feb 19
Have had a tickly cough - the nonproductive aggro like COME ON, is there something or ISN’T THERE, for a couple days*, finally remembered I’d bought some store brand tussin way back. So I’ve been dosing myself with that. Think it’s helping, hard to tell.

*It was actually closer to a week, and I down played how often and how hard I coughed & the results of coughing, because you know, emailing a friend, who likes to be gross.

Feb 20
Last night I wanted to stay up till 1:30 as that would be the time for the 4th dose of the decongestant. I stayed up. I took the dose on time, but then of course I wanted to stay up a little longer to make sure it went down, but then… my tongue tip started to feel burnt, and I went to drink some water, and… things went into coughing and ow and then it SEEMED like non-eaten cookies were going to be tossed, but instead it was just ow and in generally Not Fun.

So when I finally did get to bed it was much later, much much later.

So I decided not to take any more of that medicine (dunno what went wrong- I followed the dosage. True, it was old, tho. I think it just that I wound up having a mild sort of allergic reaction, maybe to one of the ’not active’ components.)

I figure it’s a little chest cold at the moment (mostly just congestion & occasional throat clearing), and about all I can do is drink lots of water/tea/ocean spray stuff/broth, and sleep a lot. SLEEPING and DRINKING, my two best abilities!

Feb 21
I’m not 100% on the knee & throat/chest, but CLOSE.

Feb 24th
The congestion is much reduced-

(and after that, it was still a bit annoying, but not so bad. For over a week I hadn't been able to take my vitamins because of the clogging.)

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