A few more birds...

Feb 21, 2009 16:19

... and then I'll post something else for a change. :)

Taken yesterday during a short break from work.

Oh: if you look at the pictures, tell me whether they look:

1) too dark
2) just right
3) too bright

on your monitor. I have no idea how people's monitors are calibrated, but I suspect it's not gamma 2.2 like The People Who Decide These Things think they should be. For some reason monitors are far brighter than they ought to be out of the box.

... squawk!

For such a severe-looking bird, these guys really do have a sweet pretty song -- they don't actually squawk. :) It's called a curve-billed thrasher, and I think they cruise around eating bugs and looking at people funny out of those bright yellow eyes.

A female sparrow -- these little buggers are a plague on campus. This one's actually being a good girl and hanging out in the cactus garden rather than pestering people for food.

I heard something tweet above me in the cactus garden, and turned around to find this mockingbird looking at me:

He (or she, I have no idea how to tell) flew off to another branch soon after. Apparently he's been caught and banded at some point -- does anybody know why they do this? Just keeping track of migration patterns and so on? Mockingbirds are legendarily aggressive, and critters on campus get accustomed to people a little bit, so I was able to get some close shots.

No idea what this little tiny thing is. Had to flash him as he was in a bunch of shadows. Saw him on the way to campus in my neighbor's little tree:

Now back to grading these terribad lab reports. Actually some of them are good, and some of them are ... not so good. :) Always a huge variance in premeds -- just hope it's the upper end of the bell curve that I get to fix me when I'm broken.


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