May 02, 2013 11:50
Since last time:
* Wrote a dead simple little bot for bitcoin trading. It's really naive, it just waits till the price goes down and buys, then waits for it to go up and sells. It's made me 1.8% (EDIT: This is not true - it's actually buggy and losing money! oops.) since I started it 24h or so ago (which is like 15 pence because there's no way I'm giving it a real sum of money until it has proved itself!) so that's something. It's all nicely written so it should be pretty easy to slot in new trading 'modules' and test them against historical data, etc. I think I'll leave it going for a few days, and make sure it looks pretty solid, then give it some more money to play with. If I give it the last week or so's worth of market data, it more than doubles my money - so it'll be interesting (lucrative!) to see if that happens.
* Stiiiiiiill cabling my mothers house! I ran out of cable and sockets a couple days ago so it's on hold a bit. Hoping to have it 'finished' in a week or two. My plan is to buy more cable tonight, run it tomorrow, get the floorboards down and the house in one piece again tomorrow, then I can order some more sockets online (since they're cheaper, and I don't want to use non-matching sockets unless I have to) and actually wire in the sockets when they get here in a week or so.
* Finally got money from the ZDI! (The hold up was all my fault, not theirs). They gave me 500USD for that shitty RealPlayer heap overflow, which worked out at slightly over 300 GBP. Yay! (Not bragging here - it's fucking impossible to find how much they pay for stuff via google, so I thought I'd post it here for anyone else that wants to get a feel for their current rates). My plan going forward is to sift through the >2million quicktime fuzz cases and see what's there, and to examine this other quicktime overflow I found in depth and sell that to them, too. Watch this space!
* Loaaaads of projects, though. Have been sitting on that QT thing for ages and just haven't found time to analyze it. Soon...!