May 06, 2013 23:39
* Been testing the crappy quick-and-dirty bitcoin bot more. It looks solid and seems to be working, after last week's false start. Have written a load of code to enable me to tune it better but am wary of over-training it on past data.
* Been trading manually again. Made a couple bad decisions over the last few weeks, so my peak total of £150 is now arrround £130. It's still way more than I originally put in though. I think, in the long term, I'll end up leaving the trading to bots - they are cold and don't make panic decisions that I do. Having said that, perhaps I'll be better at it soon, and anyway, I still make money.. so yeah.
* Watching the market is awesomtastic when you have some money in there. I guess it's how a horseracing crowd feels after betting on horses, and watching to see who will win.
* Bearing up fairly well after my breakup with kat. Got a couple of messages from people I haven't spoken to for _years_, checking I was alright, so it was really nice to hear from them again. Alec and Vicky keep coming and checking I'm OK in person, too, which is nice. A couple key people in my life have been silent though (don't worry, probably not you) which makes me question just how close our friendship is/was. Ho hum.
* Laying cabling at my mum's place is almost done (ie, the cables are in place). Unfortunately I ran out of sockets/back-boxes, so I'm gonna buy some more on ebay (since I don't want to mix sockets since it'll look ugly). That'll add some 5-7 days to the process. In the meantime I'm putting a second doorbell speaker upstairs so I can hear the doorbell when I'm in my bedroom (most of the time). I've got a few other DIY tasks to do - mum wants me to put more insulation in the loft, and to fix a fan outlet in the kitchen, little bits like that. I really enjoy it. It's funny - my mum said that it's really awesome that I was doing this sort of stuff for her, but just the previous day, I had said to Alec that it was really awesome that my mother let me do it (ie, tear up her floorboards on a day's notice).
* Thought of a smartphone app I want to write (and sell). Not sure if it'll get done, since I have a veritable mountain of Things To Do at the moment, but it'd be nice if I can. It's chess-related so watch this space!
* I do have a huge load of projects on, but it's pretty awesome at the same time, since some (all?) of them have realistic money-making potential. I'm not at the "earning enough to pay the rent" stage yet but it's not unrealistic to think I'll get there in the next few months.
* Off to this vintage radio fair on sunday! I'm going on behalf of Ed, my friend who has moved to Japan. He's going to instruct me on what to buy, then come and get it later on in the year. He's even given me a smartphone so that I can take pictures and voip with him! It should be fun.
* Kat and mum are coming away with me at the weekend, for the days around the vintage radio fair. Me and kat are sharing a room, still, so it could be awkward (there's a sofa I can kip on but.. yeah, we'll see). I'm hoping it turns out as a pleasant time away.
* Rick suggested I go to one of the 'refresh tesside' events next week. They're some kind of people-give-presentations-on-tech-subjects arrangement, so I figure it could be enjoyable - I like meeting more geeks (hell, meeting more people would be good at the moment), and it could be quite informative. We'll see.