Dec 04, 2008 06:32
Things I have learned in the last few hours:
1) 'days' now constitute 'time since I last slept'. Today began at around midnight, and will continue until around 6pm. Extended duty cycle FTW.
2) Postgrad study looks like a fun way to shirk from the Real World.
3) St. Andrews University have a really glossy prospectus, with very cute girls all over it, but really crappy courses. Seriously, why not photograph less cute girls and spend that cash on MORE COURSES?!
4) Tired.
5) When I was talking to Steeeve about postgraduate study, and the entry requirements for such, he remarked (paraphrased) 'if I get a 2:1, which I should do, why wouldn't they let me in?'. I'm trying to adopt this casual optimism.
6) Any course that has a module on 'database theory' HAS to suck.
7) Oxford Uni don't grammar check their website. Apparently "There a variety of courses".
8) All the 'big name' Unis seem to have really dull courses - and by dull, I don't mean 'hard', but 'the same shit every day'. Seriously - stuff like 'designing the same business logic every day for ten years straight, introductory course' kind of stuff. This really surprises me. I kind of expected the 'clever Oxford style people' to have the same kind of passion and drive I have, you know? Obviously, they actually _know shit_ as well, but I expected a load of really bohemian and explorative courses. Perhaps not.
8.5) I was looking forward to mining the knowledgebase of big academic institutions, but perhaps the cool shit is actually in the smaller places, who will give me the freedom to take risks (while I'm young and not afraid to).
9) It really annoys me when I have to wade through 30 pages (no, I'm not exaggerating) of 'life in (area)' and 'student life is brilliant at (blah)' just to find out WHAT GODDAMN COURSES ARE AVAILIABLE.
10) "Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts.."
11) If a course requires you to pick six modules from a list of SIXTEEN - one of which is 'advanced compiler design' - you may well interest the Aliz.
12) If you require that all applicants pay £20 as 'a non-refundable application handling fee' before you even consider them, you're a cunt. But one with a module in advanced compiler design.
13) If, however, you offer 'advanced software engineering' with modules like 'Advanced Java with UML', you are a gigantic faggot.
14) I have abandoned the approach of "go down the 'Good Universities List' looking for something good" in favour of the "Google 'fpga msc uk'" method.
15) Wu-Tang clan aint nothin' to fuck with. Er, wit.
16) Coffee really fucks me up :D
17) FYP is coming along. Have implimented XTEA encryption, though not decryption yet. Decided to get an IRQ working. Test machine is currently locked solidly. Bizarrely enjoyable.
18) Have ordered many paper prospectuses. Will apply later.
19) My chair smells of ass.
20) Whoa, 20 items already. This blogging lark is easy.