Steamed carrots go well with steamed bones. [Voice]

Jan 31, 2009 16:05

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been stolen. That's right, the title for Personality of a Steamed Carrot now belongs to- [pause for dramatic effect] -The Warden! Or shall I say ex-Warden? My condolences go to John Preston, the title's unfortunate former owner. Don't worry, Johnny, you'll get your chance again some day.

He's a lucky man, that warden. Lucky because his inmates are such kind and forgiving souls. Lucky this isn't Arkham.

Ya know, during my stay at Arkham, I had a next door neighbor who was forced to wear a muzzle... because if he didn't, he'd take a bite out of your shoulder. He had chronic cravings for human flesh. I heard he even got his jaw replaced with reinforced steel so that he could go through bone like birthday cake. One day they take my block down to the basement for routine dental cleanings. Because even in prisons, they're serious about smiles. So here I am, strapped into my reclining chair getting my teeth done when all of a sudden -CRASH!!- Tray falls, dental utinsels flying everywhere, a guy screaming. I turn to my right just in time to see my neighbor, for the first time without the muzzle, latched onto the arm of an orthadontist by his teeth. I hear the snnnnap.  By this time, five orderlies have jumped him and he's still not letting go. Not until they finally sedate him. Boy, did that kid stick his hand into the wrong mouth. [laughter]

The thing about living in an asylum, you come away with some memorable tales. Always happy to share.

[Screened to Harth Fray]
Harth Fray. Has anyone seen Harth Fray? Oh, Ha-arth! Come out, come out wherever you are.
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