It's all helter skelter in the end [Voice]

Jan 17, 2009 21:00

[Transmission begins with a bit of static and a distant "La di dah di dah" sung off key, then a sighed "whew"]

What a mess, Econtra. What. A. Mess.

[There are gritty sounds of rubble being tread upon and kicked aside, wreckage left behind from the Indigeo's game of tag. Echoing in the distant background are sounds of destruction - electrical cracks and sizzles, as if he's following in the Warden's wake, perhaps observing with sadistic curiosity.]

You know things are bad when wardens run amok attacking their own inmates. Though, I can't say I'm surprised. I've seen it all before...
It just goes to show you that even in this sheltered little microcosm of a community, things will come crumbling down no matter how much you try to control them. By the way, it feels great to be out of that cage and back on the streets again. [deep breath] ...Aaaaah, yeahhh. But in retrospect all that time away made me realize just how much I missed you all.

So, fellow inmates, out of genuine interest-how are things? I'd ask the Warden for an update but, y'know, he looks awfully busy these days.

[ooc: By this time the Joker has escaped preparations for his execution some days ago and is once again roaming free.]


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