Who: Byakuran [
evilwhitesmiles] and Gokudera [
Where: The kitchen
When: 6/22, evening/night-ish
Rating: PG-13(+) for the possibility of violence and Gokudera's mouth
Summary: Byakuran decides to take advantage of a chance meeting.
the Story: (
Being found when you're trying to hide is just annoying. )
Comments 35
A sigh escaped his lips and he quietly stepped into the kitchen, in the mood for something particularly sweet. Maybe a cake, or more of that delicious ice cream would do for now. That was about when he noticed the pale-haired storm guardian sitting nearby at the table, reading some kind of book. Seeing that piqued his interest and his head shifted to the side a little as he felt a smirk curl his lips for just a second, allowing a amiable smile to replace it a second later.
"Ah? What's this? Shouldn't you be back in your room, Hayato-kun?"
It didn't help that Byakuran's familiar behavior during the last event had probably lowered his guard toward the man anyway.
"I can go where I like."
A mere way to solve his boredom.
"Am I no longer able to ask such things?"
Rather than answer the question, he addressed the original question instead. "There's no where I should be. I'm down here because it's quiet right now." He eyed Byakuran. "Or it was, anyway."
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