Who: Byakuran [
evilwhitesmiles] and Gokudera [
Where: The kitchen
When: 6/22, evening/night-ish
Rating: PG-13(+) for the possibility of violence and Gokudera's mouth
Summary: Byakuran decides to take advantage of a chance meeting.
the Story: (
Being found when you're trying to hide is just annoying. )
A sigh escaped his lips and he quietly stepped into the kitchen, in the mood for something particularly sweet. Maybe a cake, or more of that delicious ice cream would do for now. That was about when he noticed the pale-haired storm guardian sitting nearby at the table, reading some kind of book. Seeing that piqued his interest and his head shifted to the side a little as he felt a smirk curl his lips for just a second, allowing a amiable smile to replace it a second later.
"Ah? What's this? Shouldn't you be back in your room, Hayato-kun?"
It didn't help that Byakuran's familiar behavior during the last event had probably lowered his guard toward the man anyway.
"I can go where I like."
A mere way to solve his boredom.
"Am I no longer able to ask such things?"
Rather than answer the question, he addressed the original question instead. "There's no where I should be. I'm down here because it's quiet right now." He eyed Byakuran. "Or it was, anyway."
He took some steps over to the cupboard, opening it and closing it once he saw nothing in there of interest. A pale gaze fixed back on Gokudera, and the look may be compared to something like a vulture surveying it's prey, even if just for a moment. "...Though maybe you could answer a question of mine. No harm in such a thing, mm~?"
All he wanted to know was how much the boy knew about them or what he had been told in his time. Though Byakuran was more than a little perceptive to the matter at hand and he hadn't missed a single moment of Gokudera's actions. So he had to tread lightly until this bored him and he just cut to the chase.
For now, he'd be patient, though.
The answer was purposely vague, but admittedly so was his knowledge on the subject. What he knew, he'd picked up mainly from observation and his own experimentation. He'd seen Yamamoto and Ryohei both use their boxes, and had discovered that he was capable of using five of the seven flame types. He even had rings of different types picked up during an event.
The tone was soft, and more curious than anything. Deliberately non-invasive as he wanted to keep on the boy's 'good' side for now instead of completely setting the boy on guard. After all, if this ended too soon, he'd be rather bored once again and he wasn't entirely fond of that.
He wasn't sure how far he could trust the notes his older self had written to him, but everything he'd put down seemed to be true in fact, to the extent that he was able to test it.
Byakuran took a careful step forwards, surveying the other's appearance once more before he closed his eyes shortly. "Though on such a note, I wanted to ask you, Hayato-kun. Would you be interested in learning more of them~?" Not that Byakuran would do this all with this air of false kindness and nothing more.
If done right, he could get the storm ring in his possession.
Sure, here, he couldn't complete his plans but it would solve that boredom and he could gauge the Vongola's current strengths and from there, he saw no wrongs whatsoever. Though if his plans didn't work as he supposed, he had no qualms in taking down the boy like he did with Ryohei, but at least Gokudera would be a little more of a challenge.
Still, he had didn't know that he could trust Byakuran. Even if he wasn't afraid of him, the things he had heard from the others were not in any way complimentary. Besides, he was much more inclined to trust his family than a practically unknown adult.
To cover his indecision, he took a moment to find and light a cigarette. Taking a deep breath and blowing the smoke out through his nose, he finally decided that admitting his interest wasn't the same as agreeing to anything, so he nodded. "Yeah. I guess you could say that."
Pale eyes settled on the now-lit cigarette before ticking up to the boy's face and a short laugh left his lips shortly after. There was a spark of interest and if he could appeal to that, then maybe there was a chance of getting somewhere.
"I myself have a box weapon and I could tell you what you'd like to know of them. There's no harm in informing you of something remotely useful, is there?" Byakuran was very tolerant when he knew what he wanted, - and whereas this was a little meticulous - if it had a good end-goal in sight, he'd pursue it.
No matter what he would do to get it.
He knew without having to ask that Byakuran's weapong was a sky type, but he had no idea what form it would take. Knowing more about it would be useful for his family.
"What is it?"
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