
Jan 10, 2010 15:55

Who: Pretty much everyone directly involved with the disarming of the 'bombs' (if you are not sure please read this or ask).
Where The music room
When: Tonight, late evening
Rating: PG-13 for violence and creepy factor.
Summary: TERRORISTS. GUNS. SWINE FLU. BOMBS. All we'd need is gratuitous nudity and this would be the action movie flick of the season!
the Story:

[So America's been out chasing traps Poland and whoever else, trying to keep them from finding his 'bombs'. Though Robin and England made everyone aware of the situation, America's convinced that nobody has a clue yet.

How could they understand, anyway? They've either all turned against him by now, or have become so infected with swine flu that their lives were gone before he found them.

The fact that he's stuck in Guantanamo Bay doesn't help, either. It's been failing as a prison for a long time, such a dark spot on his history, and trying to keep all the terrorists locked away isn't working. In fact, it's expending too much energy for him, and is putting more strain on him mentally.

England always hated this place. Obviously, locking him in a room with a bomb that's about to explode is the way to thank him for that.

He's frustrated as he reenters the music room, and doesn't say anything initially, as he's more focused on checking the bomb there, not even bothering to hide the worry and stress and paranoia he's feeling. Being crazy is exhausting, how the fuck does Russia do it?]

robin, spencer reid, azure kite, england, america

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