Shameless pimping you might agree with

Apr 06, 2010 23:55

   Yes,I am still in the same emotional condition,that ain't getting better. Maybe cause of that and cause of boredom(trying to get through the day can be a bitch) I've decided to try and turn my little Hugh community into a popular one. I know the beginning was a little rough,not as many posts as the largest ,oldest,established communities but me and Laura(especially her these days) are going to try to keep it really updated and fun from now on. I really want fans like me (who don't think Hugh is some sort of God who is always right,always perfect just like everything he does) to have a good place to still drool over him and maybe have constructive conversations instead of just standard OMG YAY comments .

I have decided to open a tumblr blog that will be mostly pics,at least one every single day,maybe some news too,the usual stuff tumblr pages contain.  I opened it today, tried to customize it a bit,it is a work in progress and will forever be so feel free to give me pointers and tell me how you like it. Tumblr is actually quite cool so u could give it a try. Here is the link to it  HUGHBLISS .  Feel free(pretty please even) to come join and then pimp it further and help and comment and make both this and hugh_bliss  lively and fun. It's especially friendly for the non-huddies(all other comms seem to be huddy friendly and I'm sick of it)

I also opened a personal Tumblr where I plan to post random pics I took myself or found on the internet, whatever I find interesting or funny or beautiful. You can find that one here : HOUSEOFRANDOM

new blog, hugh laurie, pimpage

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