Gym, Day 44 (evening) [Open to any and all]

Jul 17, 2010 20:27

Jim walked into the gym a few hours after dinner, wanting to burn off some energy and make sure he was fir for the upcoming mission.

He got on the treadmill and started running at a reasonable pace, warming up before he moved on to his usual routine. There was a sandbag in the corner that needed to be taught a lesson, after all. It always cleared his head to work up a sweat, relaxed him and made him think better. Something he needed at the moment, with the new mission coming up and various more personal things troubling him. Not least of all the situation with Bones. Jim knew his friend was beyond pissed at him, but... Well, that feeling was mutual. He increased the pace some, running some of all the helpless anger out of his system.

character: creed, location: gym, !nonmission post, timeline: day 44, character: phillips, character: spock, character: kirk

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